To take advantage of any of our partners please provide them with them the your SCD reference number we have issued to your account. You will recieve anything up to 15% off your invoiced amount. Our partners may require you to provide further details when you request the discount such as proof of ID.
If you’d like to become a partner then please get in touch wth us at

NSN Automotive
Exhaust Repairs, Welding, Vehicle Diagnostics, MOT Prep Service, Classic Cars Bought & Sold, Pre-2000 Cars, Buying Unwanted Cars, Sourcing Vehicles
Address: Unit 7, seddul bahr industrial estate, Allington Ln, Southampton SO30 3HP
Tel: 02381 550107

Simon Lawson
Vehicle Body Repairs
Address: Unit 7, J M L, Millbrook Trading Estate, Southbrook Rd, Southampton SO15 1GQ
Tel: 02380 639766

Taj Tyres & MOT
Tyres & MOT Centre
Taj Tyres Address: 19 Portswood Rd, Southampton SO17 2ES
Taj Tyres Tel: 02380 553333
Taj MOT Station Address: Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate, 4-13 Mount Pleasant Rd, Southampton SO14 0SP
Taj MOT StationTel: 02380 337500