To take advantage of any of our partners please provide them with them the your SCD reference number we have issued to your account. You will recieve anything up to 15% off your invoiced amount. Our partners may require you to provide further details when you request the discount such as proof of ID.

If you’d like to become a partner then please get in touch wth us at

NSN Automotive

Exhaust Repairs, Welding, Vehicle Diagnostics, MOT Prep Service, Classic Cars Bought & Sold, Pre-2000 Cars, Buying Unwanted Cars, Sourcing Vehicles

Address: Unit 7, seddul bahr industrial estate, Allington Ln, Southampton SO30 3HP

Tel: 02381 550107

Simon Lawson

Vehicle Body Repairs

Address: Unit 7, J M L, Millbrook Trading Estate, Southbrook Rd, Southampton SO15 1GQ

Tel: 02380 639766

Taj Tyres & MOT

Tyres & MOT Centre

Taj Tyres Address: 19 Portswood Rd, Southampton SO17 2ES

Taj Tyres Tel: 02380 553333

Taj MOT Station Address: Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate, 4-13 Mount Pleasant Rd, Southampton SO14 0SP

Taj MOT StationTel: 02380 337500

Can't find your next car....?

Why not let us help you? We have many contacts across the UK to help source you the perfect vehicle. We can also help finance and warranty the vehicle for you.